“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

Two ceremonies to mark the beginning and end of menopause
Two ceremonies to change our relationship with the menopause transition are coming up in early March

Catharsis – fever, initiation and menopause as a rite of passage
Three phases of menopause - initiation, iceberg and assimilation. After perimenopause and then the cessation of periods, there is a period of assimilation in which finally body, mind, emotions and spirit all start to settle into this new postmenopause normal.

The Menopause Mind Body Connection
The mind body connection is a key part of our health and well-being as we navigate the menopause transition. Menopause isn't just about the physical symptoms that we experience like hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue and vaginal dryness. Menopause is also about how we feel about who we are and how we are showing up for this crazy thing we have called life.

Nurturing our inner and outer worlds
The Archeus philosophy is grounded in connection, transition, transformation and a desire to nurture and support body, beauty, mind and spirit.

Let’s talk about pelvic health
Pelvic health physiotherapist Dr. Melissa Davidson treats conditions such as prolapse and incontinence.

Beyond Menopause a different power awaits
It’s World Menopause Day. Once upon a time this transition was a time of welcoming in wisdom and the elderhood of woman. We had rituals and ceremonies that showed us the beauty of age and the lustre of life’s lived experience. But in the space between then and now, there came different gods to worship.

Dr Samantha Newman talks hormone and HRT
Dr. Sam Newman ala the Female GP talks hormones and HRT

Being a woman in her 50s should be about being accepted, not brave.
It’s time to embrace the natural process of ageing.