The Menopause Mind Body Connection

The mind body connection is a key part of our health and well-being as we navigate the menopause transition. Menopause isn't just about the physical symptoms that we experience like hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue and vaginal dryness. Menopause is also about how we feel about who we are and how we are showing up for this crazy thing we have called life.

Hormonal changes during the menopause transition can have a significant impact on our emotional well-being. Often it isn't until we look back at perimenopause that we realise just how affected our emotional life was by the hormonal changes that were taking place.

Initially I developed the NatFem Botanics collection to help women with physical symptoms of menopause. But we are not just physical symptoms. We are emotional beings too. That is why I looked at the remedies I could create that can play a part in supporting emotional well-being. This includes the Meno-mind plant essence elixir blend and the herbal tinctures I have available.

But what else? What about how we nourish and nurture our inner world? I see this as a central part of a holistic approach to navigating the menopause transition.

How do we use menopause and midlife as an invitation to nourish and nurture our inner world?

I was speaking to a woman the other day and she said that when she got to menopause, she really found herself thinking, “what do I want this next phase of my life to look like?” In asking herself that question she embarked on a journey of deep discoveries of her own sense of being. She identified her purpose and her calling and set about enriching her inner world with knowledge and experience to fulfil that sense of her true self.

Archeus is not just about beautiful natural products to help with changes and symptoms, it is about supporting the development of purpose and true self. It's about mind body and spirit.

There are courses available under the ‘learn’ tab that may find help you explore your own sense of being. There are courses that can help manifest dreams such as building an eco-conscious business and there are courses that help deepen connections to others and to nature. I also offer individual guidance. I take an approach based on renaissance philosophy as it saw our health and our well-being as a consequence of our relationship with nature and cosmos. This approach can help to find one’s magic and unlock one’s true potential and soul calling. This in itself is a powerful exercise to do as we move into midlife onward through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.

There are interviews and talks on the Soul Garden podcast, stories on the blog, and the Archeus Online Academy is where you’ll find live online classes and sessions covering a range of topics from perimenopause, to ways in which we can connect to nature and to each other as we move into this powerful and empowering phase of life.

I was talking with a journalist recently. She was asking me about the work I did and my approach to it. After a while she said, “what you do is help women nurture their inner world.” I found myself smiling at her comment because my menopause transition led me a on huge road of discovery of my own and while there have been moments of profound sadness along with joy, it has been incredibly empowering. And that is what I want to be able to help you do too.

Take this moment in life to nourish and nurture yourself because you are an extraordinary and unique individual. Let your light shine!


The Inspiration for Lunae Signa et Stellas natural perfume


Nurturing our inner and outer worlds