Conversation with a Funeral Director

Terry Longley, Funeral Director

For many, a funeral director is someone to be feared. Their presence means someone loved has been lost. Because of this, conversations with funeral directors about the work they do, the services they provide, and what happens when someone dies can be hard to have.

But imagine how much easier it would be to navigate a difficult time, if those conversations had taken place already?

I spoke with Havelock North based, third generation funeral director, Terry Longley to help break down those boundaries and ask questions that can help shed light on how to navigate this part of the life transition.

Terry was wonderfully generous with his information and we had a warm, thoughtful and informative discussion on what happens after someone dies. 

Statistics say that most people will only have direct experience of having to manage the funeral of 2.3 people in a lifetime. That doesn't give us much practice at knowing what to do!

So in this interview we explore the deathcare landscape in New Zealand and a range of topics including:

  • The role of the funeral director

  • The importance of visitation

  • How to care for a body at home

  • Embalming 

  • Deaths referred to the Coroner

  • and what do do if someone dies at home

Many thanks to Terry Longley for taking part in this episode. You can find him at


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